With my fourth and youngest babe, Addie, being just about 4 months old I wanted to share the top 8 things I've actually used in this newborn stage with her... mostly because these lists can get SO overwhelming. Just remember, you don't need everything, you just need a few really great things that will serve a purpose {while still being so stinking cute}!
- Swaddles- Audrey & Bear
- Pacifiers- Ryan and Rose
- Bulb Syringe and Misting Saline- Target
- No Scratch Mittens- Audrey & Bear
- Angel Care Bathtub- Amazon
- Car Seat Blanket with Loop- Audrey & Bear
- AOO and Dream Cream- Tubby Todd
- Baby clothes- Kate Quinn
Bundle your Audrey & Bear must-haves and start designing here!!
I hope this helps any of you first-time-mamas {or veteran mamas} decide on what is highest priority when preparing for your sweet baby! Tell me in the comments if there's anything else that's a must have for your newborns!