My partner and I found out we were pregnant in September 2019. From the moment I told him we were with child he said: “If it’s a girl I want to name her Hope.” Little did we know that we were on the cusp of a pandemic and our country’s shutdown in which the word “Hope” would become a beacon for so many people and our nation.

Arrival of Hope

We spent months of my pregnancy in quarantine and finally our Hope arrived on May 22, 2020 weighing in at a whopping 9 lbs 12 oz. We are so blessed and fortunate that she could not be healthier especially considering the circumstances she was born into.

A dear friend of mine that has been by our side throughout our wild ride of becoming parents heard the story and mission statement behind Audrey & Bear and knew she needed to gift Hope one of these darling blankets. We decided on her middle name Gloria because it is my late Grandmother’s first name. It’s timeless and classic just like Hope it never goes out of style and means so much.

This blanket will be an heirloom piece that will forever tell the story of this unprecedented time to our children and grandchildren and beyond.

Thank you Audrey & Bear! We love this story and your passion so much.


Featured Design: Sweet Blooms 


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