Mama Bear Amber
Here at Audrey & Bear, we believe in celebrating EVERY child. Those babies born at 29 weeks and those born at 41 weeks. All those who have been lost and mourned, and those who will live-on to celebrate children of their own! We help you design personalized baby and kid products to celebrate these journeys. For every swaddle purchased, we donate a swaddle to a baby in a NICU or Pediatric Cancer Center. Those who have received these special NICU blankets, or who have donated one through their purchase, write to us from all over. We share their stories in our series called "AB Mama Bears". Meet mama bear Amber.



i loved the fact that they donated to the sweet babies in the NICU

newborn baby with personalized hatI found Audrey and bear about a month before my due date and ordered one for my son I loved the fact that they donated to the sweet babies in the NICU & at that time little did I know that I would have a complicated delivery of my own. When I received my son’s personalized swaddle and hat I fell in love with the quality. The day of my delivery I was having severe pains in my back and just thought I was having bad Braxton Hicks but, as the pain progressed we decided to go to the ER. My fiancé and I were pretty convinced that I would just be sent home so we didn’t even think about bringing my hospital bag.



put her under now or she will bleed out and we will lose them both

Mama Amber and BabyAfter arriving at the hospital we went through the whole process and the nurse went to check to see how dilated I was as she pulled out her hand it was covered in blood and clots... as this happened my heart dropped she assured me that sometimes this happens and to just stay calm but I could feel that something was wrong. My mother (who arrived at the hospital as soon as they said they were keeping me) walked in and noticed that my face was pale white and ran to get a nurse at this point I felt like I could not breathe so I was given an oxygen mask but, my heart rate kept going very high then dropping and would not stay stable. Once my Dr. arrived she informed me that I will most likely need a C section and I was okay with that. She checked on me periodically to check my contractions and it seemed like I was getting better.

 As she came back in the room to check on me again my son & I’s heart rate dramatically dropped and I started to not be able to breathe and my vision got very fuzzy and I was light-headed my Dr went to break my water and again as she pulled out her hand it was severe amounts of blood instead of amniotic fluid. She quickly said “she is having a severe placenta abruption we need an emergency c section now or her and her baby will not make it” they then rushed me into the O.R. I was going in and out at this point and don’t remember much but the part that will always be burned into my memory was laying on the operating table and hearing “okay put her under now or she will bleed out and we will lose them both” then they put the mask on me and told me to take a deep breath and I was out. I woke up hours later as my hospital bed was being pushed into the hospital room I was registering all that just occurred at this point and was just so worried about Carson that's all I wanted.



seeing him wrapped in his blanket sleeping made me, for that moment, forget the entire delivery that just occurred

carson in his swaddle and hat set

I heard them lock my hospital bed and I heard my fiancé crying and I asked where Carson was and if he is okay. And he said “open your eyes baby” and as the fuzzy vision cleared I saw my fiancé rocking my sweet miracle little boy wrapped in his Audrey and Bear Blanket and wearing his hat. I immediately was consumed with tears and held my son and just cried and cried seeing him wrapped in his blanket sleeping made me, for that, moment forget the entire delivery that just occurred. I was just so amazed with my adorable chunky 8.16-pound chunky, healthy baby that just endured so much on his first day. He is my sweet miracle all that I went through was worth it just to hold him in my arms.  


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