Time Management for Parents

As a parent you can wear many hats throughout the day. From a cook to a chauffeur, the list of things you need to do on a daily basis can seem to be never-ending and stressful. However, there are some tricks you can use so that you can make the most out of all the time you have in a day.

The most important step in time management is knowing how long it takes to complete an individual task. It might sound silly, but timing yourself while doing the dishes will help you better understand how to structure your day. Once you have a general idea of how long things take, you can begin to create a plan that will not only be successful, but will also help life seem not so overwhelming.

                                                         Time Management for New Parents

Having a new baby can be a very exciting but also a challenging time! Babies require constant attention and care, which can leave new parents feeling exhausted and overwhelmed. However, with some careful planning and prepping, you can take control of your time and reduce stressful situations.

The first step you can take is to create a basic outline for the day. You can develop a daily schedule that includes feeding times, nap times, and other essential tasks like changing diapers, washing clothes, and tidying up. Babies can be unpredictable and there will always be things that come up unexpectedly, but having a basic outline for your day can help you stay organized and ensure you are not missing anything important.

The second step you can take is getting organized. Having all your baby items as organized as possible can save you time when you’re looking for an item. You can also set up small stations in commonly used rooms with essentials like diapers, wipes and a change of clothes so you don’t have to run to the baby's room anytime you need anything. Spending a few minutes each day to keep your items organized can help you stay on top of things when life gets hectic.

Additionally, it can be super helpful to delegate some tasks to family or friends. It can sometimes be difficult to ask for help, but even a few minutes of help can make a big difference in your stress levels. Being able to communicate your needs with your support group when you’re feeling overwhelmed can really help you stay on track.

                                      Time Management for Parents with School Aged Children

As your kids grow older and start attending school, you may find yourself juggling a multitude of responsibilities. From school drop-offs and pick-ups to extracurricular activities and homework, it can be super helpful if you’re organized and efficient to manage your time effectively.

The easiest way to manage your time when your kids are in school is to develop a regular routine for your child's school day and stick to it the best you can. This includes waking up at a consistent time, preparing meals, completing homework, and going to bed on time. Kids are quick to pick up on routines and patterns, so it can also be helpful for kids and their stress levels to know what to expect.

Some parents find that having a planner or to-do list can help them better visualize what their time looks like. You can use a planner or calendar to keep track of school events, appointments, and other important dates. A to-do list can be helpful with keeping track of tasks that need to be accomplished as well as prioritizing the things that need to be done the most.

                                                               Other Helpful Ideas

You can also consider outsourcing tasks like cleaning, laundry, or grocery shopping to save time and reduce stress. This can free up time for more meaningful activities like spending time with your family or pursuing hobbies.

It is important that parents take the time to prioritize some self care time. Finding time in your day or week to recharge your batteries can be beneficial not only for you, but also for the rest of your family. An important part of self care is recognizing what types of tasks are the most exhausting for you. When you know what tires you the most, you can better prioritize your tasks so that you aren’t setting yourself up for exhaustion and failure. It is equally important to know the best ways to recharge your batteries. Having a small repository of energy-building tools can help you know the best and most efficient way to take care of yourself.



Lena Iraheta

Personal Designer


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