Thank you

Truthfully, I’m not going to be sad to see the end of 2020. It was rough for just about everyone in one or MANY ways. We were no exception. As a business owner I try to predict and plan for certain metrics, measurable things that tell me how I’m doing as a leader of my team and as a visionary for the Audrey & Bear brand. When 2020 started, I was feeling pretty good about the trajectory of the year and fairly confident that it would be a really good one. Historically, we’ve seen steady and predictable growth. Each year we face growing pains, learn our lessons and continue to put those lessons learned into perspective and apply them as we face the future. This year, however, we faced challenges that were completely unpredictable. Many of them. Often and without warning. These challenges took all of our brain power, creative juices and much prayer to solve. When I look back on the year 2020 it will certainly not be with love or admiration, but it will be with a fair amount of respect. I became a better person and leader through my struggles and witnessed my team become a better and stronger team. For all of this I am grateful.

In the year 2021…

Not all of our problems will magically vanish with the change of a singular number, but we will look forward with hope as we apply the lessons we’ve learned and linger in the feeling of a new beginning. In 2021 our goals at Audrey & Bear are 3 fold:

  1. Wrap more NICU babies in our donated swaddles through swaddle4swaddle

  2. Find more ways to celebrate all children

  3. Rise above our challenges and be better for them

Join us, and I promise it’ll be a year you don’t want to miss!



1 comment

  • Your swaddles are always perfect for any baby gift. I have bought a few of them now or paid when my daughter and daughter in law’s ordered one. They are truly beautiful each and every time we get one. Thank you for such a wonderful gift to give and to know that a NICU baby gets one is even better!!
    Kandy Jan 23, 2021

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