We had to say goodbye to a few amazing friends recently.  Friends that have been around for the last 3 years, since we first opened our doors.  Our team had a party to celebrate our time with them.  Since you couldn’t be there with us, I wanted to share the fun with y’all …


Baby Locks,

Thank you for the enormous contribution you’ve made to our company.  You’ve been with us from the beginning, sat silently as we cried through some hard learning curves, worked tirelessly - day in and day out, and you’ve served us well. 

You were work horses.

But now, you are 1,059 years (in serger years) and sadly, you’ve decided you’ve had enough.  So after many fruitful efforts to keep you oiled and well, we must let you go. 



Instead of mourning our sergers’ parting ways, we decided to have a party to celebrate their hard work and the time we had with them. 

So… on a Wednesday afternoon, we did just that …

We took a break from the orders, enjoyed good food, music, and great company as we sent our faithful Baby Lock sergers into the sunset. 

With Café Rio piled onto our plates, and the elixir of life (Dr. Pepper) filling our cups, we shared fond Baby Lock memories. We chatted about the good ol' times as well as some of the frustrations we shared.  The stories had us all in tears we were laughing so hard!

Rebecca, our production manager, shared that when she was hired, she thought our little Baby Locks were the most amazing machines on the planet because they are self-threading.  A feature we still ADORE them for!

My husband, Daniel, told a story about the time I wasn’t feeling well and asked him to help me by sewing up a blanket…  the man is the brightest man I know and can do everything under the sun with level “expert” precision  … except, as it turns out, sew.  Hah!  Let's just say it didn’t turn out too pretty.  In fact, it was hilariously bad and we had to remake it.  He tells the story much better than I ever could!  Daniel is now, forever and always, excused from all sewing tasks in the studio.  (Well played, Daniel!).   



After properly farewell’ing our little workhorses, we hopped in the car for a trip to the sewing machine shop and purchased some pretty snazzy industrial sergers.  Though they don’t self-thread (sad, sad!), they are filling our Baby Lock’s shoes very well.  While our seamstresses were very impressive on our old machines – the speed that they can perfectly sew and take these corners at with the new machines is INCREDIBLE!!! 

Thanks, Baby Locks, for helping us get from my craft room business to where we are now!  For what we were told were home-use machines, you sure were hardy, impressive, little beasts! 

Baby Locks... It’s been fun!  We’ll miss you! 


Friends, be sure to check out our latest design "Sending Wishes"!  Until next time, keep spreading kindness around like confetti!




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